This story might sound weird, it might sound odd
for the character is fictional, from the mind it got caught.
This character is who I am, but not really me
and if it were possible, it's the man I wanted to be.

Every story has its origin, in this story let's start with a man
the creator of the character and with whom it all began.

Non-fiction, creating Toby

This story starts like any other,
a boy loved by his sister, father and mother.
Fascinated by worlds that weren't real
specifically, worlds generated by computers had special appeal.

At the age of three he started his journey, exploring
For hours he could stare at a screen, it never got boring

When he was fifteen, online gaming started to rise
And the sharing of information was crucial, but was it wise?
In the game he could be this perfect version of himself
so during the character creation, he created a blood elf.

While this is a character in a game,
in the real world it could not be the same.
He came up with a name, Thobias Trent
and into the fantasy world he went.

Building a character

Thobias was a Priest, a magician that heals with light
But can also damage with shadow magic when he needs to fight.
Only caring for others was what he was all about
So when there was distress, he’ll be there without doubt.

Although religion is what should inspire his way,
It was the beauty of nature that carried him away.
He saw water as his element,
Calm, pure and full of loving sentiment.

Thobias was nice to everyone, no one could get him angry
And when there was an argument, the hatchet he would bury.
For his friends and family, to the ends of the earth he would go,
Because they loved him too, and that’s all he needed to know.

A bright young fellow Thobias was,
You could say he was the brightest in his class.
Although he didn’t get cocky, he knew his place,
He did try to warn others; of the dangers they might face.

Blood elves are known for their sarcasm and vanity,
Not Thobias, he acted out of insecurity.
He knew people saw him as beautiful, bright and full of empathy,
It looked like the only person that was unaware, was he.

Years went by and battles intensified,
Which forced him to communicate with the team he allied.
The name containing three syllables was hard to pronounce,
So he shortened his name and was ready to announce:
“From this day on, call me Toby, which is easier to say
and frankly, easier to remember anyway…”

What would Toby do?

Due to the fact the core person was Toby so often,
The acting like the character went on and his walls began to soften.
The world seemed less scary,
And he became less weary.
He started to crawl out of his shell,
But it was until now it rang a bell.
Although this is a story for another day,
It is crucial to say,
Maybe this story wasn’t about making the idea of a character work,
Maybe it was about how Toby became Dirk…